Symmetry meaning in Hindi

Symmetry is a english word.

Symmetry Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • symmetry = प्रतिसाम्य

    • Usage: There was perfect symmetry of the two flower arrangements kept on either side of the table.
  • symmetry = सन्तुलन

    • Usage: The symmetry of her face was spoiled by a long and deep scar on her forehead.

Symmetry Meaning in Detail

  • symmetry (noun) = (mathematics) an attribute of a shape or relation; exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane

    Synonyms: symmetry, symmetricalness, correspondence, balance

  • symmetry (noun) = balance among the parts of something

    Synonyms: symmetry, proportion

  • symmetry (noun) = (physics) the property of being isotropic; having the same value when measured in different directions

    Synonyms: isotropy, symmetry

  • Other words to learn

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