Survey meaning in Hindi

Survey is a english word.

Survey Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • survey = पर्यवलोकन

    • Usage: A quick survey of the street showed that no one was about.
  • survey = जाँचना/निरीक्षण करना

    • Usage: Police had surveyed the person whom she thinks theif.
  • survey = सर्वेक्षण करना

    • Usage: The minister did an areal survey of the city.

Survey Meaning in Detail

  • survey (noun) = a detailed critical inspection

    Synonyms: survey, study

  • survey (noun) = short descriptive summary (of events)

    Synonyms: sketch, survey, resume

  • survey (noun) = the act of looking or seeing or observing

    Synonyms: view, survey, sight

    • Usage: he tried to get a better view of it
    • Usage: his survey of the battlefield was limited
  • survey (verb) = consider in a comprehensive way

    Synonyms: survey, appraise

    • Usage: He appraised the situation carefully before acting
  • survey (verb) = look over carefully or inspect

    Synonyms: survey

    • Usage: He surveyed his new classmates
  • survey (verb) = keep under surveillance

    Synonyms: surveil, follow, survey

    • Usage: The police had been following him for weeks but they could not prove his involvement in the bombing
  • survey (verb) = hold a review (of troops)

    Synonyms: review, go_over, survey

  • survey (verb) = make a survey of; for statistical purposes

    Synonyms: survey

  • survey (verb) = plot a map of (land)

    Synonyms: survey

  • Other words to learn

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