Success meaning in Hindi

Success is a english word.

Success Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • success = सफ़लत९

    • Usage: He's hoping to make a success of the business.

Success Meaning in Detail

  • success (noun) = an event that accomplishes its intended purpose

    Synonyms: success

    • Usage: let's call heads a success and tails a failure
    • Usage: the election was a remarkable success for the Whigs
  • success (noun) = an attainment that is successful

    Synonyms: success

    • Usage: his success in the marathon was unexpected
    • Usage: his new play was a great success
  • success (noun) = a state of prosperity or fame

    Synonyms: success

    • Usage: he is enjoying great success
    • Usage: he does not consider wealth synonymous with success
  • success (noun) = a person with a record of successes

    Synonyms: achiever, winner, success, succeeder

    • Usage: his son would never be the achiever that his father was
    • Usage: only winners need apply
    • Usage: if you want to be a success you have to dress like a success
  • Other words to learn

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