Strong meaning in Hindi
Strong is a english word.Strong Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
strong = मज़बूत
- Usage: For being an athlete you should be strong.
- Usage: The rope was strong enough to pull the weight from the bottom.
- Usage: With a strong kick he pushed the door open.
- Usage: There should be strong links between management and workers.
strong = ऊँचा
- Usage: Politicians with strong voices have great impact on the audience.
strong = तेज़
- Usage: Strong wind is blowing.
- Usage: He has used very strong colours in his latest painting.
strong = समर्थ
- Usage: The school has a strong tradition of academic excellence.
strong = पक्का
- Usage: I had a strong impression that someone was following me.
- Usage: Miss Stubs was under strong impression that God is near.
strong = प्रबल
- Usage: A strong evidence should be there to claim the accident.
- Usage: Rupee is stronger than Taka but weaker against Dollar.
- Usage: The demonstrators were 1,00,000 strong.
strong = कड़ा
- Usage: My mother always prefers strong coffee.
strong = तीखा
- Usage: This chease tastes strong.
strong = प्रभावशाली
- Usage: Ultra voilet rays have strong impact on human body.
Strong Meaning in Detail
strong (adj) = having strength or power greater than average or expected
Synonyms: strong
- Usage: a strong radio signal
- Usage: strong medicine
- Usage: a strong man
strong (adj) = not faint or feeble
Synonyms: strong
- Usage: a strong odor of burning rubber
strong (adj) = having or wielding force or authority
Synonyms: potent, strong
- Usage: providing the ground soldier with increasingly potent weapons
strong (adj) = having a strong physiological or chemical effect
Synonyms: potent, strong, stiff
- Usage: a potent toxin
- Usage: potent liquor
- Usage: a potent cup of tea", "a stiff drink
strong (adj) = immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
Synonyms: impregnable, inviolable, secure, strong, unassailable, unattackable
- Usage: an impregnable fortress
- Usage: fortifications that made the frontier inviolable
- Usage: a secure telephone connection
strong (adj) = of good quality and condition; solidly built
Synonyms: solid, strong, substantial
- Usage: a solid foundation
- Usage: several substantial timber buildings
strong (adj) = of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection
Synonyms: strong
- Usage: `sing' is a strong verb
strong (adj) = being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content
Synonyms: hard, strong
- Usage: hard liquor
strong (adj) = freshly made or left
Synonyms: strong, warm
- Usage: a warm trail
- Usage: the scent is warm
strong (adj) = strong and sure
Synonyms: firm, strong
- Usage: a firm grasp
- Usage: gave a strong pull on the rope
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