Stint meaning in Hindi
Stint is a english word.Stint Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
stint = कंजूसी करना
- Usage: You shouldn't stint on giving money to the beggar.
stint = काम करने का समय
- Usage: My mother had a two-year stint as a principal in a school.
Stint Meaning in Detail
stint (noun) = an unbroken period of time during which you do something
Synonyms: stretch, stint
- Usage: there were stretches of boredom
- Usage: he did a stretch in the federal penitentiary
stint (noun) = smallest American sandpiper
Synonyms: least_sandpiper, stint, Erolia_minutilla
stint (noun) = an individual's prescribed share of work
Synonyms: stint
- Usage: her stint as a lifeguard exhausted her
stint (verb) = subsist on a meager allowance
Synonyms: scrimp, stint, skimp
- Usage: scratch and scrimp
stint (verb) = supply sparingly and with restricted quantities
Synonyms: stint, skimp, scant
- Usage: sting with the allowance
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