Steep meaning in Hindi

Steep is a english word.

Steep Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • steep = दुरारोह

    • Usage: The mountain on which we went for tracking was very steep.
  • steep = अत्यधिक

    • Usage: There was a steep decline in share values due to mid term elections.
  • steep = बेतुका

    • Usage: Sewing of corn flakes with tea seems a bit steep to me.

Steep Meaning in Detail

  • steep (noun) = a steep place (as on a hill)

    Synonyms: steep

  • steep (verb) = devote (oneself) fully to

    Synonyms: steep, immerse, engulf, plunge, engross, absorb, soak_up

    • Usage: He immersed himself into his studies
  • steep (verb) = let sit in a liquid to extract a flavor or to cleanse

    Synonyms: steep, infuse

    • Usage: steep the blossoms in oil
    • Usage: steep the fruit in alcohol
  • steep (adj) = having a sharp inclination

    Synonyms: steep

    • Usage: the steep attic stairs
    • Usage: steep cliffs
  • steep (adj) = greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation

    Synonyms: exorbitant, extortionate, outrageous, steep, unconscionable, usurious

    • Usage: exorbitant rent
    • Usage: extortionate prices
    • Usage: spends an outrageous amount on entertainment
    • Usage: usurious interest rate
    • Usage: unconscionable spending
  • steep (adj) = of a slope; set at a high angle

    Synonyms: steep

    • Usage: note the steep incline
    • Usage: a steep roof sheds snow
  • Other words to learn

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