Standardization meaning in Hindi

Standardization is a english word.

Standardization Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • standardization = मानकीकरण

    • Usage: Standardization is the need of the hour.

Standardization Meaning in Detail

  • standardization (noun) = the condition in which a standard has been successfully established

    Synonyms: standardization, standardisation

    • Usage: standardization of nuts and bolts had saved industry millions of dollars
  • standardization (noun) = the imposition of standards or regulations

    Synonyms: standardization, standardisation, normalization, normalisation

    • Usage: a committee was appointed to recommend terminological standardization
  • standardization (noun) = the act of checking or adjusting (by comparison with a standard) the accuracy of a measuring instrument

    Synonyms: calibration, standardization, standardisation

    • Usage: the thermometer needed calibration
  • Other words to learn

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