Splice meaning in Hindi

Splice is a english word.

Splice Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • splice = जोड़ना

    • Usage: Splice the different colour chewinggum.
    • Usage:

Splice Meaning in Detail

  • splice (noun) = a junction where two things (as paper or film or magnetic tape) have been joined together

    Synonyms: splice, splicing

    • Usage: the break was due to an imperfect splice
  • splice (noun) = joint made by overlapping two ends and joining them together

    Synonyms: lap_joint, splice

  • splice (verb) = join the ends of

    Synonyms: splice

    • Usage: splice film
  • splice (verb) = perform a marriage ceremony

    Synonyms: marry, wed, tie, splice

    • Usage: The minister married us on Saturday
    • Usage: We were wed the following week
    • Usage: The couple got spliced on Hawaii
  • splice (verb) = join together so as to form new genetic combinations

    Synonyms: splice

    • Usage: splice genes
  • splice (verb) = join by interweaving strands

    Synonyms: splice

    • Usage: Splice the wires
  • Other words to learn

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