Spark meaning in Hindi

Spark is a english word.

Spark Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • spark = चिनगारी

    • Usage: A small spark can cause a great fire.
  • spark = स्फुलिंग

    • Usage: A spark was seen in the transformer when it was raining.

Spark Meaning in Detail

  • spark (noun) = a momentary flash of light

    Synonyms: flicker, spark, glint

  • spark (noun) = merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance

    Synonyms: sparkle, twinkle, spark, light

    • Usage: he had a sparkle in his eye
    • Usage: there's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes
  • spark (noun) = electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field

    Synonyms: discharge, spark, arc, electric_arc, electric_discharge

  • spark (noun) = a small but noticeable trace of some quality that might become stronger

    Synonyms: spark

    • Usage: a spark of interest
    • Usage: a spark of decency
  • spark (noun) = Scottish writer of satirical novels (born in 1918)

    Synonyms: Spark, Muriel_Spark, Dame_Muriel_Spark, Muriel_Sarah_Spark

  • spark (noun) = a small fragment of a burning substance thrown out by burning material or by friction

    Synonyms: spark

  • spark (verb) = put in motion or move to act

    Synonyms: trip, actuate, trigger, activate, set_off, spark_off, spark, trigger_off, touch_off

    • Usage: trigger a reaction
    • Usage: actuate the circuits
  • spark (verb) = emit or produce sparks

    Synonyms: spark, sparkle

    • Usage: A high tension wire, brought down by a storm, can continue to spark
  • Other words to learn

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