So-so meaning in Hindi

So-so is a english word.

So-so Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • so-so = जैसे-तैसे/बहुत साधारण

    • Usage: How was the day? So-so!
  • so-so = जैसे-तैसे/बहुत साधारण

    • Usage: How was the day? So-so!

So-so Meaning in Detail

  • so-so (adj) = being neither good nor bad

    Synonyms: indifferent, so-so

    • Usage: an indifferent performance
    • Usage: a gifted painter but an indifferent actor
    • Usage: her work at the office is passable
    • Usage: a so-so golfer
    • Usage: feeling only so-so
    • Usage: prepared a tolerable dinner
    • Usage: a tolerable working knowledge of French
  • so-so (adv) = in an acceptable (but not outstanding) manner

    Synonyms: acceptably, tolerably, so-so

    • Usage: she plays tennis tolerably
  • Other words to learn

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