Slosh meaning in Hindi

Slosh is a english word.

Slosh Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • slosh = आवाज़ करके हिलाना

    • Usage: Water falls with a sloshing sound in a container when dropped form a hight.

Slosh Meaning in Detail

  • slosh (verb) = make a splashing sound

    Synonyms: splash, splosh, slosh, slush

    • Usage: water was splashing on the floor
  • slosh (verb) = walk through mud or mire

    Synonyms: squelch, squish, splash, splosh, slosh, slop

    • Usage: We had to splosh across the wet meadow
  • slosh (verb) = spill or splash copiously or clumsily

    Synonyms: slosh, slush, slosh_around, slush_around

    • Usage: slosh paint all over the walls
  • Other words to learn

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