Sloppy meaning in Hindi
Sloppy is a english word.Sloppy Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
sloppy = लापरवाह
- Usage: My very close friend who comes Ist in class is very sloppy child.
Sloppy Meaning in Detail
sloppy (adj) = lacking neatness or order
Synonyms: sloppy
- Usage: a sloppy room
- Usage: sloppy habits
sloppy (adj) = wet or smeared with a spilled liquid or moist material
Synonyms: sloppy
- Usage: a sloppy floor
- Usage: a sloppy saucer
sloppy (adj) = (of soil) soft and watery
Synonyms: boggy, marshy, miry, mucky, muddy, quaggy, sloppy, sloughy, soggy, squashy, swampy, waterlogged
- Usage: the ground was boggy under foot
- Usage: a marshy coastline
- Usage: miry roads
- Usage: wet mucky lowland
- Usage: muddy barnyard
- Usage: quaggy terrain
- Usage: the sloughy edge of the pond
- Usage: swampy bayous
sloppy (adj) = not fitting closely; hanging loosely
Synonyms: baggy, loose-fitting, sloppy
- Usage: baggy trousers
- Usage: a loose-fitting blouse is comfortable in hot weather
sloppy (adj) = excessively or abnormally emotional
Synonyms: overemotional, sloppy
sloppy (adj) = marked by great carelessness
Synonyms: haphazard, slapdash, slipshod, sloppy
- Usage: a most haphazard system of record keeping
- Usage: slapdash work
- Usage: slipshod spelling
- Usage: sloppy workmanship
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