Sizzling meaning in Hindi

Sizzling is a english word.

Sizzling Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sizzling = उत्तेजक

    • Usage: It is a sizzling weather.

Sizzling Meaning in Detail

  • sizzling (verb) = make a sound like frying fat

    Synonyms: sizzle

  • sizzling (verb) = seethe with deep anger or resentment

    Synonyms: sizzle

    • Usage: She was sizzling with anger
  • sizzling (verb) = burn or sear with a sizzling sound

    Synonyms: sizzle

    • Usage: The fat sizzled in the pan
  • sizzling (adj) = hot enough to burn with or as if with a hissing sound

    Synonyms: sizzling

    • Usage: a sizzling steak
    • Usage: a sizzling spell of weather
  • sizzling (adj) = characterized by intense emotion or interest or excitement

    Synonyms: red-hot, sizzling

    • Usage: a red-hot speech
    • Usage: sizzling political issues
  • Other words to learn

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