Sire meaning in Hindi

Sire is a english word.

Sire Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sire = प्रजनक

    • Usage: This is the sire of many successfull racehorses.

Sire Meaning in Detail

  • sire (noun) = a title of address formerly used for a man of rank and authority

    Synonyms: sire

  • sire (noun) = the founder of a family

    Synonyms: forefather, father, sire

    • Usage: keep the faith of our forefathers
  • sire (noun) = male parent of an animal especially a domestic animal such as a horse

    Synonyms: sire

  • sire (verb) = make children

    Synonyms: beget, get, engender, father, mother, sire, generate, bring_forth

    • Usage: Abraham begot Isaac
    • Usage: Men often father children but don't recognize them
  • Other words to learn

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