Silent meaning in Hindi

Silent is a english word.

Silent Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • silent = चुप

    • Usage: The boy became silent when his father asked him the reason for returning so late.
  • silent = अनुच्चरित

    • Usage: 'b' is silent when pronounced but written in 'comb'

Silent Meaning in Detail

  • silent (adj) = marked by absence of sound

    Synonyms: silent, soundless, still

    • Usage: a silent house
    • Usage: soundless footsteps on the grass
    • Usage: the night was still
  • silent (adj) = failing to speak or communicate etc when expected to

    Synonyms: mum, silent

    • Usage: the witness remained silent
  • silent (adj) = implied by or inferred from actions or statements

    Synonyms: silent, tacit, understood

    • Usage: gave silent consent
    • Usage: a tacit agreement
    • Usage: the understood provisos of a custody agreement
  • silent (adj) = not made to sound

    Synonyms: silent, unsounded

    • Usage: the silent `h' at the beginning of `honor'
    • Usage: in French certain letters are often unsounded
  • silent (adj) = having a frequency below or above the range of human audibility

    Synonyms: silent

    • Usage: a silent dog whistle
  • silent (adj) = unable to speak because of hereditary deafness

    Synonyms: dumb, mute, silent

  • Other words to learn

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