Sift meaning in Hindi

Sift is a english word.

Sift Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sift = छनना

    • Usage: Sift the dust from the grain.
  • sift = छानबीन

    • Usage: Go and sift the evidences.

Sift Meaning in Detail

  • sift (verb) = move as if through a sieve

    Synonyms: sift

    • Usage: The soldiers sifted through the woods
  • sift (verb) = separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements

    Synonyms: sift, sieve, strain

    • Usage: sift the flour
  • sift (verb) = check and sort carefully

    Synonyms: sieve, sift

    • Usage: sift the information
  • sift (verb) = distinguish and separate out

    Synonyms: sieve, sift

    • Usage: sift through the job candidates
  • Other words to learn

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