Shetland meaning in Hindi

Shetland is a english word.

Shetland Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • shetland = स्काँटलैण्ड के द्वीप समूह

    • Usage: Biologists have come to know about new kind of monkeys in shetland.
  • shetland = शैटलैण्ड की भेड़ का ऊन

    • Usage: I got a shetland wools jumper on this birthday.

Shetland Meaning in Detail

  • shetland (noun) = an archipelago of about 100 islands in the North Atlantic off the north coast of Scotland

    Synonyms: Shetland, Shetland_Islands, Zetland

  • shetland (noun) = a small sheepdog resembling a collie that was developed in the Shetland Islands

    Synonyms: Shetland_sheepdog, Shetland_sheep_dog, Shetland

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