Shaky meaning in Hindi

Shaky is a english word.

Shaky Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • shaky = कम्पायमान

    • Usage: Her hands are shaky because she's nervous.
  • shaky = अस्थिर

    • Usage: The government is looking rather shaky at the moment.

Shaky Meaning in Detail

  • shaky (adj) = inclined to shake as from weakness or defect

    Synonyms: rickety, shaky, wobbly, wonky

    • Usage: a rickety table
    • Usage: a wobbly chair with shaky legs
    • Usage: the ladder felt a little wobbly
    • Usage: the bridge still stands though one of the arches is wonky
  • shaky (adj) = vibrating slightly and irregularly; as e.g. with fear or cold or like the leaves of an aspen in a breeze

    Synonyms: shaky, shivering, trembling

    • Usage: a quaking bog
    • Usage: the quaking child asked for more
    • Usage: quivering leaves of a poplar tree
    • Usage: with shaking knees
    • Usage: seemed shaky on her feet
    • Usage: sparkling light from the shivering crystals of the chandelier
    • Usage: trembling hands
  • shaky (adj) = not secure; beset with difficulties

    Synonyms: precarious, shaky

    • Usage: a shaky marriage
  • Other words to learn

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