Sectional meaning in Hindi

Sectional is a english word.

Sectional Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sectional = वर्गीय

    • Usage: A group of people come to save the sectional interest of their supporters.

Sectional Meaning in Detail

  • sectional (noun) = a piece of furniture made up of sections that can be arranged individually or together

    Synonyms: sectional

  • sectional (adj) = relating to or based upon a section (i.e. as if cut through by an intersecting plane)

    Synonyms: sectional

    • Usage: a sectional view
    • Usage: sectional drawings
  • sectional (adj) = consisting of or divided into sections

    Synonyms: sectional, sectioned

    • Usage: a sectional sofa
    • Usage: sectioned plates
  • sectional (adj) = related or limited to a distinct region or subdivision of a territory or community or group of people

    Synonyms: sectional

    • Usage: sectional tensions arose over slavery
  • Other words to learn

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