Saturated meaning in Hindi
Saturated is a english word.Saturated Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
saturated = तर-बतर
- Usage: I went out in the rain and got saturated.
saturated = संतृप्त किया हुआ
- Usage: Saturated apple juice is distributed amongs the children.
Saturated Meaning in Detail
saturated (verb) = cause (a chemical compound, vapour, solution, magnetic material) to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance
Synonyms: saturate
saturated (verb) = infuse or fill completely
Synonyms: impregnate, saturate
- Usage: Impregnate the cloth with alcohol
saturated (adj) = being the most concentrated solution possible at a given temperature; unable to dissolve still more of a substance
Synonyms: saturated, concentrated
- Usage: a saturated solution
saturated (adj) = used especially of organic compounds; having all available valence bonds filled
Synonyms: saturated
- Usage: saturated fats
saturated (adj) = (of color) being chromatically pure; not diluted with white or grey or black
Synonyms: saturated, pure
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