Sank meaning in Hindi

Sank is a english word.

Sank Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sank = ड़ूबा

    • Usage: Titanic sank when it struck the ice berg.

Sank Meaning in Detail

  • sank (verb) = fall or descend to a lower place or level

    Synonyms: sink, drop, drop_down

    • Usage: He sank to his knees
  • sank (verb) = cause to sink

    Synonyms: sink

    • Usage: The Japanese sank American ships in Pearl Harbor
  • sank (verb) = pass into a specified state or condition

    Synonyms: sink, pass, lapse

    • Usage: He sank into nirvana
  • sank (verb) = go under, "The raft sank and its occupants drowned"

    Synonyms: sink, settle, go_down, go_under

  • sank (verb) = descend into or as if into some soft substance or place

    Synonyms: sink, subside

    • Usage: He sank into bed
    • Usage: She subsided into the chair
  • sank (verb) = appear to move downward

    Synonyms: dip, sink

    • Usage: The sun dipped below the horizon
    • Usage: The setting sun sank below the tree line
  • sank (verb) = fall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly

    Synonyms: slump, fall_off, sink

    • Usage: The real estate market fell off
  • sank (verb) = fall or sink heavily

    Synonyms: slump, slide_down, sink

    • Usage: He slumped onto the couch
    • Usage: My spirits sank
  • sank (verb) = embed deeply

    Synonyms: bury, sink

    • Usage: She sank her fingers into the soft sand
    • Usage: He buried his head in her lap
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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