Route meaning in Hindi

Route is a english word.

Route Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • route = मार्ग

    • Usage: Due to heavy rain he drove home by the shortest route.
    • Usage: Pak. army has cut off our supply routes. --'3.Take route 88 to reach salarjung musium.

Route Meaning in Detail

  • route (noun) = an established line of travel or access

    Synonyms: path, route, itinerary

  • route (noun) = an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation

    Synonyms: road, route

  • route (verb) = send documents or materials to appropriate destinations

    Synonyms: route

  • route (verb) = send via a specific route

    Synonyms: route

  • route (verb) = divert in a specified direction

    Synonyms: route

    • Usage: divert the low voltage to the engine cylinders
  • Other words to learn

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