Role meaning in Hindi
Role is a english word.Role Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
role = भूमिका
- Usage: He has played a variety of roles in the film
- Usage: The role of a teacher is very important in the development of a child.
Role Meaning in Detail
role (noun) = the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group
Synonyms: function, office, part, role
- Usage: the function of a teacher
- Usage: the government must do its part
- Usage: play its role
role (noun) = an actor's portrayal of someone in a play
Synonyms: character, role, theatrical_role, part, persona
- Usage: she played the part of Desdemona
role (noun) = what something is used for
Synonyms: function, purpose, role, use
- Usage: the function of an auger is to bore holes
- Usage: ballet is beautiful but what use is it?
role (noun) = normal or customary activity of a person in a particular social setting
Synonyms: role
- Usage: what is your role on the team?
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