Rise meaning in Hindi

Rise is a english word.

Rise Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rise = उठना

    • Usage: The smoke is rising from the chimney.
    • Usage: She rose from the table to welcome me.
  • rise = उदित होना

    • Usage: The sun rises in the east.
  • rise = जी उठना

    • Usage: He rose from the death bed.
  • rise = बढना

    • Usage: The river has risen by one metre due to continous raining.
    • Usage: The cost of living continues to rise.
    • Usage: The unemployment rose by 5% last year.
    • Usage: Air pollution has risen above an acceptable level.
    • Usage: I felt sadness is rising within me.
    • Usage: She is the rising young politician.
    • Usage: My cake is very spongy,it rose nicely.
  • rise = तीव्र होना

    • Usage: My voice rose in anger.
    • Usage: The wind is rising which shows a storm is coming.
  • rise = प्रसन्न हो जाना

    • Usage: Her spirits rose after hearing the good news.
  • rise = उन्नति करना

    • Usage: She rose from an attender to become an officer.

Rise Meaning in Detail

  • rise (noun) = a growth in strength or number or importance

    Synonyms: rise

  • rise (noun) = the act of changing location in an upward direction

    Synonyms: rise, ascent, ascension, ascending

  • rise (noun) = an upward slope or grade (as in a road)

    Synonyms: ascent, acclivity, rise, raise, climb, upgrade

    • Usage: the car couldn't make it up the rise
  • rise (noun) = a movement upward

    Synonyms: rise, rising, ascent, ascension

    • Usage: they cheered the rise of the hot-air balloon
  • rise (noun) = the amount a salary is increased

    Synonyms: raise, rise, wage_hike, hike, wage_increase, salary_increase

    • Usage: he got a 3% raise
    • Usage: he got a wage hike
  • rise (noun) = the property possessed by a slope or surface that rises

    Synonyms: upgrade, rise, rising_slope

  • rise (noun) = a wave that lifts the surface of the water or ground

    Synonyms: lift, rise

  • rise (noun) = (theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

    Synonyms: emanation, rise, procession

    • Usage: the emanation of the Holy Spirit
    • Usage: the rising of the Holy Ghost
    • Usage: the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son
  • rise (noun) = an increase in cost

    Synonyms: rise, boost, hike, cost_increase

    • Usage: they asked for a 10% rise in rates
  • rise (noun) = increase in price or value

    Synonyms: advance, rise

    • Usage: the news caused a general advance on the stock market
  • rise (verb) = move upward

    Synonyms: rise, lift, arise, move_up, go_up, come_up, uprise

    • Usage: The fog lifted
    • Usage: The smoke arose from the forest fire
    • Usage: The mist uprose from the meadows
  • rise (verb) = increase in value or to a higher point

    Synonyms: rise, go_up, climb

    • Usage: prices climbed steeply
    • Usage: the value of our house rose sharply last year
  • rise (verb) = rise to one's feet

    Synonyms: arise, rise, uprise, get_up, stand_up

    • Usage: The audience got up and applauded
  • rise (verb) = rise up

    Synonyms: rise, lift, rear

    • Usage: The building rose before them
  • rise (verb) = come to the surface

    Synonyms: surface, come_up, rise_up, rise

  • rise (verb) = come into existence; take on form or shape

    Synonyms: originate, arise, rise, develop, uprise, spring_up, grow

    • Usage: A new religious movement originated in that country
    • Usage: a love that sprang up from friendship
    • Usage: the idea for the book grew out of a short story
    • Usage: An interesting phenomenon uprose
  • rise (verb) = move to a better position in life or to a better job

    Synonyms: ascend, move_up, rise

    • Usage: She ascended from a life of poverty to one of great
  • rise (verb) = go up or advance

    Synonyms: wax, mount, climb, rise

    • Usage: Sales were climbing after prices were lowered
  • rise (verb) = become more extreme

    Synonyms: heighten, rise

    • Usage: The tension heightened
  • rise (verb) = get up and out of bed

    Synonyms: get_up, turn_out, arise, uprise, rise

    • Usage: I get up at 7 A.M. every day
    • Usage: They rose early
    • Usage: He uprose at night
  • rise (verb) = rise in rank or status

    Synonyms: rise, jump, climb_up

    • Usage: Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list
  • rise (verb) = become heartened or elated

    Synonyms: rise

    • Usage: Her spirits rose when she heard the good news
  • rise (verb) = exert oneself to meet a challenge

    Synonyms: rise

    • Usage: rise to a challenge
    • Usage: rise to the occasion
  • rise (verb) = take part in a rebellion; renounce a former allegiance

    Synonyms: rebel, arise, rise, rise_up

  • rise (verb) = increase in volume

    Synonyms: rise, prove

    • Usage: the dough rose slowly in the warm room
  • rise (verb) = come up, of celestial bodies

    Synonyms: rise, come_up, uprise, ascend

    • Usage: The sun also rises
    • Usage: The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled...
    • Usage: Jupiter ascends
  • rise (verb) = return from the dead

    Synonyms: resurrect, rise, uprise

    • Usage: Christ is risen!
    • Usage: The dead are to uprise
  • Other words to learn

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