Rip meaning in Hindi

Rip is a english word.

Rip Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rip = चीरा

    • Usage: There is a big rip in my new sari.

Rip Meaning in Detail

  • rip (noun) = a dissolute man in fashionable society

    Synonyms: rake, rakehell, profligate, rip, blood, roue

  • rip (noun) = an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart

    Synonyms: rip, rent, snag, split, tear

    • Usage: there was a rip in his pants
    • Usage: she had snags in her stockings
  • rip (noun) = a stretch of turbulent water in a river or the sea caused by one current flowing into or across another current

    Synonyms: rip, riptide, tide_rip, crosscurrent, countercurrent

  • rip (noun) = the act of rending or ripping or splitting something

    Synonyms: rent, rip, split

    • Usage: he gave the envelope a vigorous rip
  • rip (verb) = tear or be torn violently

    Synonyms: rend, rip, rive, pull

    • Usage: The curtain ripped from top to bottom
    • Usage: pull the cooked chicken into strips
  • rip (verb) = move precipitously or violently

    Synonyms: rip

    • Usage: The tornado ripped along the coast
  • rip (verb) = cut (wood) along the grain

    Synonyms: rip

  • rip (verb) = criticize or abuse strongly and violently

    Synonyms: rip

    • Usage: The candidate ripped into his opponent mercilessly
  • Other words to learn

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