Rhetoric meaning in Hindi

Rhetoric is a english word.

Rhetoric Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rhetoric = वाक्पटुता

  • rhetoric = व्याख्यान विद्या

    • Usage: People are now fed up with empty rhetorics of politicians.

Rhetoric Meaning in Detail

  • rhetoric (noun) = using language effectively to please or persuade

    Synonyms: rhetoric

  • rhetoric (noun) = high-flown style; excessive use of verbal ornamentation

    Synonyms: grandiosity, magniloquence, ornateness, grandiloquence, rhetoric

    • Usage: the grandiosity of his prose
    • Usage: an excessive ornateness of language
  • rhetoric (noun) = loud and confused and empty talk

    Synonyms: palaver, hot_air, empty_words, empty_talk, rhetoric

    • Usage: mere rhetoric
  • rhetoric (noun) = study of the technique and rules for using language effectively (especially in public speaking)

    Synonyms: rhetoric

  • Other words to learn

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