Rewarding meaning in Hindi

Rewarding is a english word.

Rewarding Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rewarding = लाभप्रद

    • Usage: She has done a rewarding task.

Rewarding Meaning in Detail

  • rewarding (verb) = bestow honor or rewards upon

    Synonyms: honor, honour, reward

    • Usage: Today we honor our soldiers
    • Usage: The scout was rewarded for courageous action
  • rewarding (verb) = strengthen and support with rewards

    Synonyms: reinforce, reward

    • Usage: Let's reinforce good behavior
  • rewarding (verb) = act or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions

    Synonyms: reward, repay, pay_back

  • rewarding (adj) = providing personal satisfaction

    Synonyms: rewarding

    • Usage: a rewarding career as a paramedic
  • Other words to learn

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