Revelation meaning in Hindi

Revelation is a english word.

Revelation Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • revelation = रहस्योद्घाटन

    • Usage: All of sudden he experienced a devine revelation of truth.
    • Usage: She was stunned by seeing the revelations about her private life in the press.

Revelation Meaning in Detail

  • revelation (noun) = the speech act of making something evident

    Synonyms: disclosure, revelation, revealing

  • revelation (noun) = an enlightening or astonishing disclosure

    Synonyms: revelation

  • revelation (noun) = communication of knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency

    Synonyms: revelation, divine_revelation

  • revelation (noun) = the last book of the New Testament; contains visionary descriptions of heaven and of conflicts between good and evil and of the end of the world; attributed to Saint John the Apostle

    Synonyms: Revelation, Revelation_of_Saint_John_the_Divine, Apocalypse, Book_of_Revelation

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