Respond meaning in Hindi

Respond is a english word.

Respond Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • respond = किताब के बीच में गाया जानेवाला भजन

    • Usage: Girls sang respond at musical night.
  • respond = उत्तर देना

    • Usage: I responded to her letter with a phone call.
  • respond = प्रतिक्रिया करना

    • Usage: Animals respond to kindness.
  • respond = बदले मे कुछ करना या कहना

    • Usage: He cicked the dog which responded with a growl.
    • Usage: He responded to my volley with a back hand.

Respond Meaning in Detail

  • respond (verb) = show a response or a reaction to something

    Synonyms: react, respond

  • respond (verb) = react verbally

    Synonyms: answer, reply, respond

    • Usage: She didn't want to answer
    • Usage: answer the question
    • Usage: We answered that we would accept the invitation
  • respond (verb) = respond favorably or as hoped

    Synonyms: respond

    • Usage: The cancer responded to the aggressive therapy
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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