Repay meaning in Hindi

Repay is a english word.

Repay Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • repay = चुका देना

    • Usage: If you lend me some money,I will repay you next month.
  • repay = लौटाना

    • Usage: She repaid the compliment with a smile.
  • repay = मुआवज़ा चुकाना

    • Usage: We can never repay you for your kindness shown to us.

Repay Meaning in Detail

  • repay (verb) = pay back

    Synonyms: refund, return, repay, give_back

    • Usage: Please refund me my money
  • repay (verb) = make repayment for or return something

    Synonyms: requite, repay

  • repay (verb) = act or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions

    Synonyms: reward, repay, pay_back

  • repay (verb) = answer back

    Synonyms: retort, come_back, repay, return, riposte, rejoin

  • Other words to learn

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