Remit meaning in Hindi

Remit is a english word.

Remit Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • remit = रुपया भेजना

    • Usage: The money has been remitted by Money Order.
  • remit = दंड या ऋण से छुटकारा

    • Usage: Loans to farmers have been remitted.
  • remit = नियन्त्रण या प्रभाव के बाहर

    • Usage: Staff recruitment is outside our remit.

Remit Meaning in Detail

  • remit (noun) = the topic that a person, committee, or piece of research is expected to deal with or has authority to deal with

    Synonyms: remit

    • Usage: they set up a group with a remit to suggest ways for strengthening family life
  • remit (noun) = (law) the act of remitting (especially the referral of a law case to another court)

    Synonyms: remission, remitment, remit

  • remit (verb) = send (money) in payment

    Synonyms: remit

    • Usage: remit $25
  • remit (verb) = hold back to a later time

    Synonyms: postpone, prorogue, hold_over, put_over, table, shelve, set_back, defer, remit, put_off

    • Usage: let's postpone the exam
  • remit (verb) = release from (claims, debts, or taxes)

    Synonyms: remit

    • Usage: The taxes were remitted
  • remit (verb) = refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court for decision

    Synonyms: remit, remand, send_back

  • remit (verb) = forgive

    Synonyms: remit

    • Usage: God will remit their sins
  • remit (verb) = make slack as by lessening tension or firmness

    Synonyms: slacken, remit

  • remit (verb) = diminish or abate

    Synonyms: remit

    • Usage: The pain finally remitted
  • Other words to learn

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