Relegate meaning in Hindi

Relegate is a english word.

Relegate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • relegate = अवनति करना

    • Usage: He has been relegated to an inferior post.
  • relegate = काम सौंपना

    • Usage: He relegates unpleasant tasks to his assistant.

Relegate Meaning in Detail

  • relegate (verb) = refer to another person for decision or judgment

    Synonyms: relegate, pass_on, submit

    • Usage: She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues
  • relegate (verb) = assign to a lower position; reduce in rank

    Synonyms: demote, bump, relegate, break, kick_downstairs

    • Usage: She was demoted because she always speaks up
    • Usage: He was broken down to Sergeant
  • relegate (verb) = expel, as if by official decree

    Synonyms: banish, relegate, bar

    • Usage: he was banished from his own country
  • relegate (verb) = assign to a class or kind

    Synonyms: relegate, classify

    • Usage: How should algae be classified?
    • Usage: People argue about how to relegate certain mushrooms
  • Other words to learn

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