Regression meaning in Hindi

Regression is a english word.

Regression Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • regression = प्रतिगमन

    • Usage: She is in a process of emotional regression.

Regression Meaning in Detail

  • regression (noun) = an abnormal state in which development has stopped prematurely

    Synonyms: arrested_development, fixation, infantile_fixation, regression

  • regression (noun) = (psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which you flee from reality by assuming a more infantile state

    Synonyms: regression

  • regression (noun) = the relation between selected values of x and observed values of y (from which the most probable value of y can be predicted for any value of x)

    Synonyms: regression, simple_regression, regression_toward_the_mean, statistical_regression

  • regression (noun) = returning to a former state

    Synonyms: regression, regress, reversion, retrogression, retroversion

  • Other words to learn

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