Recorder meaning in Hindi

Recorder is a english word.

Recorder Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • recorder = लेख्य पत्र रक्षक

    • Usage: My friend has a double cassette recorder.

Recorder Meaning in Detail

  • recorder (noun) = equipment for making records

    Synonyms: recorder, recording_equipment, recording_machine

  • recorder (noun) = someone responsible for keeping records

    Synonyms: registrar, record-keeper, recorder

  • recorder (noun) = a barrister or solicitor who serves as part-time judge in towns or boroughs

    Synonyms: recorder

  • recorder (noun) = a tubular wind instrument with 8 finger holes and a fipple mouthpiece

    Synonyms: fipple_flute, fipple_pipe, recorder, vertical_flute

  • Other words to learn

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