Reason meaning in Hindi

Reason is a english word.

Reason Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • reason = कारण/प्रयोजन

    • Usage: What is your reason for leaving the job?
    • Usage: We have no reason to believe that he is lying.
  • reason = विवेक बुद्धि

    • Usage: The conflict between faith and reason is going on.
    • Usage: I will do any thing within reason to please you.
  • reason = तर्क करना

    • Usage: She reasoned that if she started at 5am she would be there by noon.

Reason Meaning in Detail

  • reason (noun) = a rational motive for a belief or action

    Synonyms: reason, ground

    • Usage: the reason that war was declared
    • Usage: the grounds for their declaration
  • reason (noun) = an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon

    Synonyms: reason

    • Usage: the reason a steady state was never reached was that the back pressure built up too slowly
  • reason (noun) = the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination

    Synonyms: reason, understanding, intellect

    • Usage: we are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil
  • reason (noun) = the state of having good sense and sound judgment

    Synonyms: rationality, reason, reasonableness

    • Usage: his rationality may have been impaired
    • Usage: he had to rely less on reason than on rousing their emotions
  • reason (noun) = a justification for something existing or happening

    Synonyms: cause, reason, grounds

    • Usage: he had no cause to complain
    • Usage: they had good reason to rejoice
  • reason (noun) = a fact that logically justifies some premise or conclusion

    Synonyms: reason

    • Usage: there is reason to believe he is lying
  • reason (verb) = decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion

    Synonyms: reason, reason_out, conclude

    • Usage: We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house
  • reason (verb) = present reasons and arguments

    Synonyms: argue, reason

  • reason (verb) = think logically

    Synonyms: reason

    • Usage: The children must learn to reason
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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