Rattan meaning in Hindi

Rattan is a english word.

Rattan Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rattan = लतर चढ़ने वाला पौधा

    • Usage: Rattan's long thin stems are used for making furniture.

Rattan Meaning in Detail

  • rattan (noun) = climbing palm of Sri Lanka and southern India remarkable for the great length of the stems which are used for malacca canes

    Synonyms: rattan, rattan_palm, Calamus_rotang

  • rattan (noun) = the stem of various climbing palms of the genus Calamus and related genera used to make wickerwork and furniture and canes

    Synonyms: rattan, rattan_cane

  • rattan (noun) = a switch made from the stems of the rattan palms

    Synonyms: rattan, ratan

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