Rambling meaning in Hindi
Rambling is a english word.Rambling Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
rambling = टेढ़ी मेढ़ी गलियाँ या इमारतें
- Usage: If you go to old city of Hyd.You can see many old rambling mansions.
rambling = असंबन्द्ध भाषण
- Usage: She delivers a long rambling speeches.
Rambling Meaning in Detail
rambling (verb) = continue talking or writing in a desultory manner
Synonyms: ramble_on, ramble, jog
- Usage: This novel rambles on and jogs
rambling (verb) = move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment
Synonyms: roll, wander, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabond
- Usage: The gypsies roamed the woods
- Usage: roving vagabonds
- Usage: the wandering Jew
- Usage: The cattle roam across the prairie
- Usage: the laborers drift from one town to the next
- Usage: They rolled from town to town
rambling (adj) = spreading out in different directions
Synonyms: sprawling, straggling, rambling, straggly
- Usage: sprawling handwriting
- Usage: straggling branches
- Usage: straggly hair
rambling (adj) = (of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects
Synonyms: digressive, discursive, excursive, rambling
- Usage: amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things
- Usage: a rambling discursive book
- Usage: his excursive remarks
- Usage: a rambling speech about this and that
rambling (adj) = of a path e.g.
Synonyms: meandering, rambling, wandering, winding
- Usage: meandering streams
- Usage: rambling forest paths
- Usage: the river followed its wandering course
- Usage: a winding country road
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