Radiation sickness meaning in Hindi

Radiation sickness is a english word.

Radiation sickness Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • radiation sickness = विकिरणशील किरणों के प्रभाव से होने वाला रोग

    • Usage: Pathol.illness caused by over exposure of the body to ionizing radiations.

Radiation sickness Meaning in Detail

  • radiation sickness (noun) = syndrome resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation (e.g., exposure to radioactive chemicals or to nuclear explosions); low doses cause diarrhea and nausea and vomiting and sometimes loss of hair; greater exposure can cause sterility and cataracts and some forms of cancer and other diseases; severe exposure can cause death within hours

    Synonyms: radiation_sickness, radiation_syndrome, radiation

    • Usage: he was suffering from radiation
  • Other words to learn

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