Pursuit meaning in Hindi

Pursuit is a english word.

Pursuit Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pursuit = तलाश

  • pursuit = खोज

    • Usage: In pursuit of a good maid servant I roamed each and every street.

Pursuit Meaning in Detail

  • pursuit (noun) = the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture

    Synonyms: pursuit, chase, pursual, following

    • Usage: the culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit
  • pursuit (noun) = a search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria

    Synonyms: pursuit, pursuance, quest

    • Usage: the pursuit of love
    • Usage: life is more than the pursuance of fame
    • Usage: a quest for wealth
  • pursuit (noun) = an auxiliary activity

    Synonyms: avocation, by-line, hobby, pursuit, sideline, spare-time_activity

  • pursuit (noun) = a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly)

    Synonyms: pastime, interest, pursuit

    • Usage: sailing is her favorite pastime
    • Usage: his main pastime is gambling
    • Usage: he counts reading among his interests
    • Usage: they criticized the boy for his limited pursuits
  • Other words to learn

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