Pump meaning in Hindi
Pump is a english word.Pump Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
pump = पम्प/दमकल
- Usage: The mechanic used pump to fill air in my bicycle.
pump = भरना
- Usage: The doctor immediately pumped oxygen to the patient's heart to bring his beat to normal.
pump = पानी निकालना
- Usage: He used a motor to pump water from the well.
pump = एक तरह का हलके जूते
- Usage: My friend ha srecently bought a beautiful pump on her birthday.
Pump Meaning in Detail
pump (noun) = a mechanical device that moves fluid or gas by pressure or suction
Synonyms: pump
pump (noun) = the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body
Synonyms: heart, pump, ticker
- Usage: he stood still, his heart thumping wildly
pump (noun) = a low-cut shoe without fastenings
Synonyms: pump
pump (verb) = operate like a pump; move up and down, like a handle or a pedal
Synonyms: pump
- Usage: pump the gas pedal
pump (verb) = deliver forth
Synonyms: pump
- Usage: pump bullets into the dummy
pump (verb) = draw or pour with a pump
Synonyms: pump
pump (verb) = supply in great quantities
Synonyms: pump
- Usage: Pump money into a project
pump (verb) = flow intermittently
Synonyms: pump
pump (verb) = move up and down
Synonyms: pump
- Usage: The athlete pumps weights in the gym
pump (verb) = raise (gases or fluids) with a pump
Synonyms: pump
pump (verb) = question persistently
Synonyms: pump
- Usage: She pumped the witnesses for information
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