Pull up meaning in Hindi
Pull up is a english word.Pull up Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
pull up = रुकना
- Usage: The car suddenly pulled up on approaching a huge crowd.
pull up = कसरत
- Usage: The wrestlers pull up regularly to build their muscles.
Pull up Meaning in Detail
pull up (verb) = come to a halt after driving somewhere
Synonyms: draw_up, pull_up, haul_up
- Usage: The Rolls pulled up on pour front lawn
- Usage: The chauffeur hauled up in front of us
pull up (verb) = straighten oneself
Synonyms: draw_up, pull_up, straighten_up
- Usage: He drew himself up when he talked to his superior
pull up (verb) = cause (a vehicle) to stop
Synonyms: draw_up, pull_up
- Usage: He pulled up the car in front of the hotel
pull up (verb) = remove, usually with some force or effort; also used in an abstract sense
Synonyms: extract, pull_out, pull, pull_up, take_out, draw_out
- Usage: pull weeds
- Usage: extract a bad tooth
- Usage: take out a splinter
- Usage: extract information from the telegram
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