Protrude meaning in Hindi

Protrude is a english word.

Protrude Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • protrude = बाहर निकला हुआ होना या निकालना

    • Usage: Librarian asked the students that books should not be left protrude while they search for the magazine.

Protrude Meaning in Detail

  • protrude (verb) = extend out or project in space

    Synonyms: stick_out, protrude, jut_out, jut, project

    • Usage: His sharp nose jutted out
    • Usage: A single rock sticks out from the cliff
  • protrude (verb) = bulge outward

    Synonyms: start, protrude, pop, pop_out, bulge, bulge_out, bug_out, come_out

    • Usage: His eyes popped
  • protrude (verb) = swell or protrude outwards

    Synonyms: bulge, pouch, protrude

    • Usage: His stomach bulged after the huge meal
  • Other words to learn

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