Prophylactic meaning in Hindi

Prophylactic is a english word.

Prophylactic Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • prophylactic = रोगनिरोधी

    • Usage: Some diseases like AIDS couldn't हवे proper prophalytic medicines.
  • prophylactic = रोगनिरोधक

    • Usage: Anti-biotic is a prophylactic.

Prophylactic Meaning in Detail

  • prophylactic (noun) = remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease

    Synonyms: preventive, preventative, prophylactic

    • Usage: the doctor recommended several preventatives
  • prophylactic (noun) = contraceptive device consisting of a sheath of thin rubber or latex that is worn over the penis during intercourse

    Synonyms: condom, rubber, safety, safe, prophylactic

  • prophylactic (adj) = capable of preventing conception or impregnation

    Synonyms: contraceptive, prophylactic, antifertility

    • Usage: contraceptive devices and medications
  • prophylactic (adj) = warding off

    Synonyms: cautionary, prophylactic

    • Usage: the swastika...a very ancient prophylactic symbol occurring among all peoples"- Victor Schultze
  • prophylactic (adj) = preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease

    Synonyms: preventive, preventative, prophylactic

    • Usage: preventive medicine
    • Usage: vaccines are prophylactic
    • Usage: a prophylactic drug
  • Other words to learn

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