Prodigious meaning in Hindi

Prodigious is a english word.

Prodigious Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • prodigious = आश्चर्यजनक

    • Usage: A prodigious amount of money was spent in building this monument.

Prodigious Meaning in Detail

  • prodigious (adj) = so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe

    Synonyms: colossal, prodigious, stupendous

    • Usage: colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple
    • Usage: has a colossal nerve
    • Usage: a prodigious storm
    • Usage: a stupendous field of grass
    • Usage: stupendous demand
  • prodigious (adj) = of momentous or ominous significance

    Synonyms: portentous, prodigious

    • Usage: such a raised all my curiosity"- Herman Melville
    • Usage: a prodigious vision
  • prodigious (adj) = far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree

    Synonyms: exceeding, exceptional, olympian, prodigious, surpassing

    • Usage: a night of exceeding darkness
    • Usage: an exceptional memory
    • Usage: olympian efforts to save the city from bankruptcy
    • Usage: the young Mozart's prodigious talents
  • Other words to learn

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