Proceeds meaning in Hindi

Proceeds is a english word.

Proceeds Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • proceeds = मुनाफ़ा

    • Usage: The proceeds from the show were donated to the orphanage.

Proceeds Meaning in Detail

  • proceeds (noun) = the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property

    Synonyms: return, issue, take, takings, proceeds, yield, payoff

    • Usage: the average return was about 5%
  • proceeds (verb) = continue talking

    Synonyms: continue, go_on, carry_on, proceed

    • Usage: I know it's hard," he continued, "but there is no choice
    • Usage: carry on--pretend we are not in the room
  • proceeds (verb) = move ahead; travel onward in time or space

    Synonyms: proceed, go_forward, continue

    • Usage: We proceeded towards Washington
    • Usage: She continued in the direction of the hills
    • Usage: We are moving ahead in time now
  • proceeds (verb) = follow a procedure or take a course

    Synonyms: go, proceed, move

    • Usage: We should go farther in this matter
    • Usage: She went through a lot of trouble
    • Usage: go about the world in a certain manner
    • Usage: Messages must go through diplomatic channels
  • proceeds (verb) = follow a certain course

    Synonyms: proceed, go

    • Usage: The inauguration went well
    • Usage: how did your interview go?
  • proceeds (verb) = continue a certain state, condition, or activity

    Synonyms: continue, go_on, proceed, go_along, keep

    • Usage: Keep on working!
    • Usage: We continued to work into the night
    • Usage: Keep smiling
    • Usage: We went on working until well past midnight
  • Other words to learn

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