Powerful meaning in Hindi
Powerful is a english word.Powerful Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
powerful = शक्तिशाली
- Usage: Hulk hogan is a man having powerful muscles.
powerful = प्रभावशाली
- Usage: Nuclear fusion is sort of powerful explosion.
Powerful Meaning in Detail
powerful (adj) = having great power or force or potency or effect
Synonyms: powerful
- Usage: the most powerful government in western Europe
- Usage: his powerful arms
- Usage: a powerful bomb
- Usage: the horse's powerful kick
- Usage: powerful drugs
- Usage: a powerful argument
powerful (adj) = strong enough to knock down or overwhelm
Synonyms: knock-down, powerful
- Usage: a knock-down blow
powerful (adj) = having great influence
Synonyms: potent, powerful
powerful (adj) = (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful
Synonyms: brawny, hefty, muscular, powerful, sinewy
- Usage: a hefty athlete
- Usage: a muscular boxer
- Usage: powerful arms
powerful (adj) = displaying superhuman strength or power
Synonyms: herculean, powerful
- Usage: herculean exertions
powerful (adv) = (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree
Synonyms: mighty, mightily, powerful, right
- Usage: the baby is mighty cute
- Usage: he's mighty tired
- Usage: it is powerful humid
- Usage: that boy is powerful big now
- Usage: they have a right nice place
- Usage: they rejoiced mightily
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