Potential meaning in Hindi

Potential is a english word.

Potential Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • potential = सामर्थ्य

    • Usage: Students having potential should be encouraged to work harder.
  • potential = अन्तर्निहित शक्ति

    • Usage: She recognised the potential for error in the method being used.

Potential Meaning in Detail

  • potential (noun) = the inherent capacity for coming into being

    Synonyms: potential, potentiality, potency

  • potential (noun) = the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts

    Synonyms: electric_potential, potential, potential_difference, potential_drop, voltage

  • potential (adj) = existing in possibility

    Synonyms: potential, possible

    • Usage: a potential problem
    • Usage: possible uses of nuclear power
  • potential (adj) = expected to become or be; in prospect

    Synonyms: likely, potential

    • Usage: potential clients
  • Other words to learn

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