Posit meaning in Hindi

Posit is a english word.

Posit Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • posit = मान लेना

    • Usage: Ram posited the existence of God.

Posit Meaning in Detail

  • posit (noun) = (logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning

    Synonyms: postulate, posit

  • posit (verb) = put (something somewhere) firmly

    Synonyms: situate, fix, posit, deposit

    • Usage: She posited her hand on his shoulder
    • Usage: deposit the suitcase on the bench
    • Usage: fix your eyes on this spot
  • posit (verb) = put before

    Synonyms: submit, state, put_forward, posit

    • Usage: I submit to you that the accused is guilty
  • posit (verb) = take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom

    Synonyms: postulate, posit

    • Usage: He posited three basic laws of nature
  • Other words to learn

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