Pipe meaning in Hindi
Pipe is a english word.Pipe Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
pipe = पाइप
pipe = नलिका
- Usage: Nurse was told to put oxyzen pipe on patient'स् nose
pipe = चिलम/पैप
- Usage: Raju is a chain pipe smoker
pipe = बाँसुरी
- Usage: Lord Krishna plays pipe very well
pipe = नल से ले जाना
- Usage: She is piping water in to the garden.
pipe = चहकना
- Usage: The bird is piping a song on the tree.
Pipe Meaning in Detail
pipe (noun) = a tube with a small bowl at one end; used for smoking tobacco
Synonyms: pipe, tobacco_pipe
pipe (noun) = a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.
Synonyms: pipe, pipage, piping
pipe (noun) = a hollow cylindrical shape
Synonyms: pipe, tube
pipe (noun) = a tubular wind instrument
Synonyms: pipe
pipe (noun) = the flues and stops on a pipe organ
Synonyms: organ_pipe, pipe, pipework
pipe (verb) = utter a shrill cry
Synonyms: shriek, shrill, pipe_up, pipe
pipe (verb) = transport by pipeline
Synonyms: pipe
- Usage: pipe oil, water, and gas into the desert
pipe (verb) = play on a pipe
Synonyms: pipe
- Usage: pipe a tune
pipe (verb) = trim with piping
Synonyms: pipe
- Usage: pipe the skirt
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