Piercing meaning in Hindi

Piercing is a english word.

Piercing Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • piercing = तीव्र

    • Usage: She gave a piercing shriek.

Piercing Meaning in Detail

  • piercing (verb) = cut or make a way through

    Synonyms: pierce

    • Usage: the knife cut through the flesh
    • Usage: The path pierced the jungle
    • Usage: Light pierced through the forest
  • piercing (verb) = move or affect (a person's emotions or bodily feelings) deeply or sharply

    Synonyms: pierce

    • Usage: The cold pierced her bones
    • Usage: Her words pierced the students
  • piercing (verb) = sound sharply or shrilly

    Synonyms: pierce

    • Usage: The scream pierced the night
  • piercing (verb) = penetrate or cut through with a sharp instrument

    Synonyms: pierce, thrust

  • piercing (verb) = make a hole into

    Synonyms: pierce

    • Usage: The needle pierced her flesh
  • piercing (adj) = having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions

    Synonyms: acute, discriminating, incisive, keen, knifelike, penetrating, penetrative, piercing, sharp

    • Usage: an acute observer of politics and politicians
    • Usage: incisive comments
    • Usage: icy knifelike reasoning
    • Usage: as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang
    • Usage: penetrating insight
    • Usage: frequent penetrative observations
  • piercing (adj) = painful as if caused by a sharp instrument

    Synonyms: cutting, keen, knifelike, piercing, stabbing, lancinate, lancinating

    • Usage: a cutting wind
    • Usage: keen winds
    • Usage: knifelike cold
    • Usage: piercing knifelike pains
    • Usage: piercing cold
    • Usage: piercing criticism
    • Usage: a stabbing pain
    • Usage: lancinating pain
  • Other words to learn

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